Archive for Herbs
- Flagyl and taking herbs
- Lobelia and lyme
- The buzz about biofilm
- Andrographis and elevated liver enzymes
- Loss of taste with protocol
- Andrographis and stephania for ALS-type Lyme?
- Andrographis and aspirin allergy
- Possible knotweed reaction
- Andrographis with Cowden herbs
- One year on crypto, need to add artemisinin
- Andrographolide content in bulk andrographis
- Cortisol properties in stephania root?
- Preventing lyme transmission through body fluids
- Stephania eyewash
- Trans-reservatrol
- Samento with acid blocker?
- Protocol for 4 yr old
- Lomatium dissectum (LDM 100)
- Tincture of colchicum
- Knotweed preparation
- Pau d’arco
- Houttuynia for bartonella?
- Core protocol side effects
- Sarsaparilla herx
- Higher dose for babesia?
- Is a shorter course of artemisinin enough?
- Lyme and viruses
- North American herbal equivalents
- Elecampane for babesia
- Liver support/toxicity
- Oregano and rosemary
- Pulsing cryptolepis / toxicity of teasel
- Organic alfalfa
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