Lobelia and lyme

Dear Stephen,
Thank you for sharing so much plant wisdom. I am at the highest dosage of your protocol for lyme, and my mental and arthritic symptoms show definite improvement. However, I thought I would ask about the lobelias because two have shown up in great numbers in my small yard and garden. Are either Lobelia inflata or Lobelia siphilitica (or Lobelia cardinalis, which I also have) recommended for any aspect of lyme disease? By the way, I was once one of those who spent great effort trying to eliminate Polygonum cuspidatum. Reading your books has changed my perspective! Best wishes.

Stephen’s response:
Lobelia is a great herb with a very mixed reputation and is very much misunderstood. Although it is primarily used for respiratory conditions it does possess a much wider range of use. One of its potential uses with lyme is that it is a relaxant for the nervous system. Lobelia is not one of the plants that I know well and I have rarely used it. Many people in New England do use it however and know much more about it. Generally it needs to be prepared fresh to be effective and CAUTION is necessary in its use as it is a strong emetic if used in large doses. It needs a light hand and small dosages.
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posted on March 25, 2009 in Herbs, miscellaneous

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