Andrographis and stephania for ALS-type Lyme?

Dear Stephen,
Will andrographis and stephania work well on their own, without cat’s claw and knotweed? I have ALS-like lyme disease (diagnosed ALS in May ’07, had + Igenex WB result Dec ’07) and 9 months of antibiotic treatment caused violent herxing but no improvement, only worsening of muscle weakness. I started your core protocol (plus sarsaparilla and red root) at the lowest dosage in mid-June but also had to stop after a week due to the severe herx reaction.

I have been corresponding online with other ALS-Lyme patients and many have had similar reaction to treatment. One theory as to why this happens involves “the cytokine cascade.” I read in your book that stephania inhibits cytokine production and andrographis does as well. Would they be an effective combo?

Stephen’s response:
Yes, they would be an effective combination. (However, I feel that both cat’s claw and knotweed are the more important herbs in general.) I would also highly suggest the formula for muscle weakness that Woodland Essence sells that contains aralia, American ginseng, and pine pollen.
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posted on January 20, 2009 in andrographis, Herbs, muscle/skeletal/joint, stephania root, Symptoms

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