Oregano and rosemary

Dear Stephen,
I’m wondering about the use of other antimicrobial herbs not included in your protocol, like oregano and rosemary. Are they contraindicated for long-term use, or just not effective in treating lyme? I know oregano can be especially harsh on the system, but it seems like such a strong antibiotic herb so I’m curious as to why you don’t include it. Thanks!

Stephen’s response:
There are a lot of good antimicrobial herbs out there. The problem with lyme is that the spirochetes are so good at getting into hard-to-reach places. Very few of the antimicrobial herbs are systemic, that is, they are not widely circulated by the blood stream. Most of them are good topically or in the GI tract, some go to specific locations such as garlic, which is excreted through the lungs, or juniper, which is excreted through the kidneys, making those herbs exceptional for treating lung infection and urinary tract infections, respectively. Many of these herbs can help in lyme but I did not suggest them because they are not systemic enough in their antimicrobial actions to be primary lyme herbs.
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posted on February 7, 2008 in Herbs, miscellaneous

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