Knotweed preparation

Dear Stephen,
In a previously answered question in your column about “capsule vs. decoction,” you wrote to someone about using the whole herb or whole form, tinctures, and decoctions with regards to knotweed. Did you mean leaf, stem, flower, and root—or just root? Would a tinctured decoction work as well using water and alcohol extracted compounds or is that still too mechanical? You also mentioned whole form in capsule. I am experienced in primitive skills and thinking outside the box in doing stuff, and the knotweed root is tough, even right out of the ground, other than some kind of mill is there a way to grind into a capsule? Or is a grain grinder the way to go—which i haven’t tried yet, but will.

I am really trying to get in touch with the best and most whole way to using this plant. Although I have read some of your books and communicate with non-humans, this is still not clear enough for me to figure out or open up to, that’s why I am writing. How about eating pieces of the root, and do you have any idea how much would equal 4 capsules of resveratrol a day? I am dealing with lyme and have the energy and clarity to wildcraft. Anyway, if I didn’t mention earlier, the books of yours that I have read have been an immense aid in my life. Best to you.

Stephen’s response:
Thanks for your kind words on my work, I appreciate it immensely. As to knotweed, it is the knotweed root that is the important part to use. I don’t like tinctured for knotweed unless it is unavoidable because I think the body is better able to choose from the whole plant what it needs and a tincture does leave some things out. A grain grinder should work. I use a Vitamix which will apparently grind anything. You could eat pieces of the root. I would suggest that you eat an amount equal to your forefinger in size daily.
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posted on September 1, 2008 in Herbs, japanese knotweed, The Basics, wild-harvesting

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