Flagyl and taking herbs

Dear Stephen,
I am doing IV Clindamycin and will do soon IV Flagyl because I have been herxing on oral Tindamax 3 days on and 3 days off. Will be doing IV Flagyl one week per month – two rounds while I am still doing IV Clindamycin. I am very concerned about how hard Flagyl hits people – how sick some people get. What can I take to moderate side effects? I am also worried about my white blood count, as I read in your book about using herbs with antibiotic treatment where you mention getting sick on herbs. So I am worried about doing that with IV Flagyl, please advise. My doctor does have me on milk thistle, phosphatidylcholine, Co-Q 10, systemic enzymes, charcoal and several other supplements for my adrenals. Thanks.

Stephen’s response:
The supplements look to be good ones. I would not worry about the herbs increasing illness when taken with Flagyl. I would suggest however that you use some of the bowel normalizers I suggest in the book, they should help immensely.
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posted on April 2, 2009 in Herbs, miscellaneous

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