Submit a Question

Due to the high backlog of questions submitted to the Buhner Healing Lyme column, we are currently not accepting new questions. There is a good chance your question has already been answered by one of the many hundreds of past Q & As shared on our site. Please check the following locations for support:

Check the book’s index to make sure you didn’t miss the information.
Browse past Q & As by topic (see lower navigation menu, above, for categories).
Search our site by keyword (see upper right column for search bar).
Ask others following the protocol on the Lyme-Aid-Buhner yahoogroup, a wonderful resource that is accessible from within our site.
Check in with Planet Thrive members in the Healing Lyme Support Group.
Join the Buhner Healing Lyme group on Facebook.

We hope to resume taking new questions sometime in April, when we have caught up with the current backlog. Please check back then. Thank you for your understanding and patience.

Please note that over the past 6 years Stephen has received around 20,000 emails on herbal matters, mostly lyme, these days close to 300-400 per month, and he just can’t keep up with them any longer. He does read all emails but can’t promise that he will respond to yours. However, you have a much better chance at a response if your query is short and contains only one question. Long lyme emails with history and many queries with complicated protocols are just too much for Stephen to get to any longer. At nearly 60 years of age and with everything else he is doing (life), he just doesn’t have the stamina.

If you do need help with a complicated situation and a lot of personal attention, you might try Stephen’s partner Julie McIntyre (email She does charge, but she is very good.

Stephen very much appreciates your reading his work and for all your kind words and he will respond if he can but he cannot promise.

With all best wishes and in the spirit of the plants.

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