
Dear Stephen,
What is the scoop on trans-resveratrol? Are the brands of resveratrol you recommend the “trans” form – and does it even matter? Someone told me that only the trans-resveratrol is effective. I have been taking the Source Naturals for almost 2 years now. Thanks.

Stephen’s response:
I discuss this in some detail in my book Healing Lyme, under Japanese Knotweed, so please review that material for more information on your question.
Both trans-resveratrol and resveratrol as well as a number of other compounds are important medicinals in that plant. All possess medicinal actions; the rumour about trans-resveratrol being the only effective resveratrol is not true. Another urban legend that has no basis in reality.
I prefer the use of the whole root from the knotweed plant rather than tablets. I suggested the use of Source Naturals resveratrol because it is a standardized form of the whole root and does contain, besides the standardized resveratrol, the other root constituents and because it is easier to take for those people with lyme who also have cognitive difficulties. However, the whole root may be purchased from Andrea and Matthias Reisen at Their quality is excellent.
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posted on October 8, 2008 in Herbs, japanese knotweed

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