Elecampane for babesia

Dear Stephen,
I read that the Cowden protocol may be adding a mixture, including elecampane, for babesia. Elecampane grows terrifically in my garden. How can I prepare elecampane to take medicinally for babesia? Thanks very much.

Stephen’s response:
Elecampane is a great herb. It can be dried and encapsulated, made into a strong tea (decoction) or used as a tincture.
To make a fresh root tincture: use 1 part root, two parts liquid composed of 60% alcohol and 40% water (e.g. 16 ounces fresh root, 32 ounces water of which 19 ounces is 95% pure grain alcohol, the rest water).
To prepare a dried root tincture: use 1 part root, 5 parts liquid, 60% alcohol 40% water (e.g. 16 ounces root, 80 ounces liquid).
For the tinctures: take 10-30 drops to 4x daily.
If using a strong decoction: drink 1-6 ounces to 4x day.
If you are encapsulating: use 00 capsules, up to 20 per day.
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posted on May 21, 2008 in babesia, Co-Infections, cowden herbs, Herbs, miscellaneous

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