Andrographis and aspirin allergy

Dear Stephen,
I was diagnosed with lyme disease in March. I want to start the core protocol. However I’m allergic to aspirin, and I have chronic hives due to Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. I haven’t had a flare of hives for a couple of years. The reactions to andrographis make me anxious. I’ve had anaphylactic reactions to aspirin during a hives flare. Are you aware of any relationship between aspirin allergy and andrographis, or for that matter any of the herbs in the protocol? Many thanks.

Stephen’s response:
I would skip the andrographis and use: eleutherococcus, knotweed, cat’s claw, and a good collagen support protocol. You might consider the use of bladderwrack to help the thyroid problem.
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posted on January 5, 2009 in andrographis, Herbs, interactions, The Basics

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