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This site is a stand-alone satellite site owned and managed by Planet Thrive, Inc. The Stephen Buhner Healing Lyme Q & A column on PlanetThrive.com (10/06 – 8/11) became so popular, that we felt it deserved it’s own site, where information could be organized in a more concise and comprehensive manner, making it more accessible for lyme sufferers worldwide.

Stephen Buhner donates all time and energy spent answering readers’ questions each month, as a gift to the lyme community and as a way of keeping on the pulse of what is happening for those following his protocol. With your feedback, he is able to make improvements to his protocol based on your real life experiences. Please note that Stephen Buhner does not profit from the sale of any of the herbs he recommends through this website.

Stephen Harrod BuhnerStephen Harrod Buhner
Stephen Harrod Buhner is an Earth poet and the award-winning author of fifteen books on nature, indigenous cultures, the environment, and herbal medicine. He comes from a long line of healers including Leroy Burney, Surgeon General of the United States under Eisenhower and Kennedy, and Elizabeth Lusterheide, a midwife and herbalist who worked in rural Indiana in the early nineteenth century. The greatest influence on his work, however, has been his great-grandfather C.G. Harrod who primarily used botanical medicines, also in rural Indiana, when he began his work as a physician in 1911.

Stephen’s work has appeared or been profiled in publications throughout North America and Europe including Common Boundary, Apotheosis, Shaman’s Drum, The New York Times, CNN, and Good Morning America. Stephen lectures yearly throughout the United States on herbal medicine, the sacredness of plants, the intelligence of Nature, and the states of mind necessary for successful habitation of Earth.

He is a tireless advocate for the reincorporation of the exploratory artist, independent scholar, amateur naturalist, and citizen scientist in American society – especially as a counterweight to the influence of corporate science and technology.

Please see his website for information on his Foundation for Gaian Studies, a non-profit organization exploring – and participating with – the non-linear intelligence of nature. If you haven’t read his books on plant intelligence (The Lost Language of Plants, The Secret Teachings of Plants, Sacred Plant Medicine), we highly recommend you do. Well-known herbalist Rosemary Gladstar says of him: “Stephen Buhner is among the plant geniuses of our time.”

For more insight into the man Stephen Buhner, please read our interview with him A Conversation with Stephen Buhner and listen to his radio interview with Susun Weed, or purchase various digital downloads through her website.

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