Chomping/grinding teeth

Dear Stephen,
I’m dealing with lyme and mycoplasma and intend to start your protocol in a few weeks. At night, I have an issue where I grind, chomp, and clench my teeth. This is very painful. I wake up with a headache, sore jaws, teeth, throat, and ears. I have very little stress in my life, no unspoken emotions, and no parasites. Mouth guards are of little help and sometimes increase the pain. Is it possible the lyme and/or mycoplasma are causing this issue? Maybe my body is stressed? Maybe once I start the protocol, this particular issue will go away? If not, what herbs would you recommend? Thank you, thank you.

Stephen’s response:
Lord, that is a hard one. I used hypnotherapy to stop myself doing it. It was occurring from a part of me that was mad and frustrated and had no other outlet. You might try motherwort, pasque flower, or coral root tinctures to see if the can be of help. Sometimes they are.
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posted on October 18, 2011 in eyes/ears/nose/mouth, Symptoms

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  • Sam

    October 19, 2011 at 9:29 pm

    Dear Mr/Ms “Chomping”,
    I have found that clenching and night guards come up often in the lyme world. I’m not sure the connection, but I found it to be comforting when a few in my support group mentioned that when they were treated and symptom-free from Lyme, that their need for a mouth guard went away completely! I know many dentists, like mine, pointed to stress and the frontal lobe “action” for the cause. (I am a “over-thinker” as well, so pre-lyme diagnosis…I thought this as the exact cause) But, I’m finding true many a time over, that most of my symptoms throughout the years were exacerbated by stress, but not the Cause. The bugs are. As you may know, Lyme and co-infections can create their own emotional anxiety in the mind, not to mention the physical array of stress, as you aptly mentioned. Luckily my mouth guard works, otherwise my jaw would be locked..a lot. uf.
    Good luck. And Good luck with Stephen’s suggestions! Cheers.

  • Shauna

    February 7, 2012 at 4:07 pm

    I would like to share that I used to do this before I became ill with Lyme. In the month after having my first child I ground my teeth so fiercely that I would experience all of what you describe. A mouth guard did not help as I chomped down on that equally as hard, if not harder, than my own teeth, so it saved my teeth but I still got the headaches, etc. I learned much later after becoming ill, that, at least in my case, it had everything to do with magnesium deficiency. Try taking 400 mg of magnesium in the form of glycinate or citrate (not oxide or carbonate), spread out, with meals, during the day. I no longer have any tooth-grinding headaches, jaw pain, etc. Best of luck!

  • Avocadochica

    February 17, 2012 at 10:43 am

    Ditto on the magnesium. I’ve had chomping/grinding issues from Lyme and uping my magnesium intake virtually ended most of it.

    I use transdermal magnesium (there are a couple of distributors online and thru Amazon). I find it absorbs better than oral capsules. I regularly take probably 400 mg oral a day and about a tablespoon of the mag gel slathered on my neck/shoulders before bed. Does wonders!

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