Stabbing pain in right arm and shoulder

Dear Stephen,
My right arm and shoulder have had stabbing pains for the last five months, especially at night and I can barely sleep. I get stabbing pains in my right upper arm/shoulder area, over the entire area. If you can imagine a baseball inside my shoulder and upper arm that is where the stabbing pain comes and goes. It gets seriously painful when I go to bed or lie down. Especially going to bed. There is an aching in the right arm pit. There is aching in the bone the entire length of my right arm down to the wrist as well as in the muscles of the entire arm. Sometimes my fingers get numb. The shoulder joint makes a creaking sounds when I move it a certain way. I’ve been to a chiropractor and acupuncturist. The acupuncturist said the pain is related to spleen and large intestine.

The pain became much worse when a woman from the Lyme Strategies group and myself wrote to each other every day – something I had never done. I play the guitar but haven’t been able to play for the last two months because the pain is too severe. I would get a lot of pain playing the guitar and an African drum I have. Also, I paint, and I know this has been a strain on my arm and back. It would be nice to start doing these things again but I certainly don’t want to make things worse.

I’m following your lyme protocol. The pain started around the time I began taking wormwood, black walnut, clove and freeze dried garlic. Also my father become very ill around the time I started the herbs, and he has since died, so I was thinking there may be an emotional component as well. I’m also taking pregnenolone you mentioned in your book for arthritis. I started wormwood May 10th and added the freeze dried garlic, black walnut and clove about a month later and took them for three months. The Buhner herbs I am taking are: Source Naturals reservatrol, cat’s claw, eleutherococcus, smilax, pregnenolone, and andrographis off and on (off lately).

Stephen’s response:
It’s carpal tunnel syndrome. Here is what I have done for mine:

A VERY GOOD ergonomic keyboard. The keys need to be really split, not merely curved a bit like most of the fake ones are. You can get a good one for around $40. You need an ergonomic mouse as well, use various styles to find the one that has the least amount of stress on your hand/arm. The mouse is the worst culprit so find a really good one.

Nattokinase can help.

Try devil’s claw/turmeric/bromelain/ and perhaps glucosamine sulfate to help (first three are most important). This might do it: Joint Power Rx. But this one is pretty good Devil’s Claw Plus, and yes, I know it is for animals. It is very well made, much cheaper, and we are animals, too.

I have continual problems with this myself so I have to stay focused on it to keep it under control. The new board/mouse with herbal antiinflammatories will help immensely.

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posted on November 21, 2011 in Miscellaneous, muscle/skeletal/joint, other diagnoses, Symptoms

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