Complete inability to sleep

Dear Stephen,
The worst symptom I have from Lyme disease is a complete inability to sleep. It really interferes with almost every aspect of sleep. The antibiotics I am taking actually exacerbate this problem. I’ve taken melatonin before, but it only seems to make me feel worse and does not work. Is there anything you can recommend, aside from melatonin, which can help with sleep?

Stephen’s response:
I have had a lot of experience with sleep difficulties in chronic conditions such as lyme. After a lot of different approaches here is what I have found works best.

  1. Do not eat a heavy meal at dinner and eat no later than between 5 and 6 in the evening.

  2. Go to bed between 8 and 8:30 pm so that you can go to sleep by around 9pm.
  3. Just before bed take one half ounce (yes, 1/2 ounce) of a combination tincture mixture of motherwort and american wood betony (Pedicularis species, NOT the European betony which is another species entirely).
  4. If you wish you can start with a lower dose, say 1/4 ounce. I found that for me, anyway, the larger dose worked best. NOTE: this tincture will not work as well if you take it after you are awake and laying there thinking of all the things you have to do the next day.
  5. Get regular massages, at least once per week. This helps a great deal over time to regularize sleep patterns; however, I generally notice benefits within a week or two.
  6. Benedryl can be of benefit. 1/2 to 3 caplets just before bed depending on your individual response to it.
  7. A great many people have told me that cannibas helps a lot with this problem, but since it is illegal in most states I have trouble overtly recommending it. [Editor's note: Please check with your state or your physician to confirm whether medical marijuana is legal in your state.]
  8. For those so inclined, a good book just after the tincture combination and going to bed can help a lot with the impacts of the herb/benedryl/etc. It tends to keep the mind from worrying by distracting it with something pleasant.
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posted on October 3, 2006 in fatigue/sleep issues, Symptoms

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