Allergic reaction to herbs

Dear Stephen,
I have been using cat’s claw for two months, andrographis for one month and a couple of days ago, added resveratrol at the rate of 1 of each herb, 3x/day. Today, shortly after taking the herbs, my lips, face, nose and throat swelled. I took benadryl to stop the reaction. Was wondering if the combination of herbs caused the problem or I have developed an allergy to one of the herbs. Afraid to take the herbs now because the next reaction could be very severe. Any ideas for what to try next?

Stephen’s response:
I am unsure what is causing this. Generally it is the andrographis that causes this kind of reaction. You did the right thing to take care of it. I would try again with the cat’s claw and stephania instead of the others and see what happens. Let me know.
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posted on September 23, 2011 in Herb Reactions, inflammation, other

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