HPU/KPU and mineral deficiencies

Dear Stephen,
Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt reports that over 80% of his chronic lyme patients do not get better until they address an underlying condition known as hemopyrrollactamuria (HPU), also known as kyptopyrroluria (KPU). In your opinion, are most lyme patients deficient in the minerals recommended by Dr. Klinghardt for the HPU / KPU imbalance which would, as a result, not allow your Core Protocol to do its job? I’m just concerning about spending a lot of time with your protocol (which I’ve very willing to do) just to find out down the road that I should have ramped up the mineral levels Dr. Klinghardt mentions in order to allow my body to recover using your protocol. At this point, before ordering the Core Protocol herbs, I just wanted to get your thoughts on this.

Also, I’ve been really sick for 12 years now. I have lyme, bartonella, mycoplasma, (don’t know about babesia or ehrlichia – even though I tested negative for babesia), isospora, giardia, EBV, and HHV-6. These are the pathogens I know I have. Hopefully, there’s not more. I’m now using Rife therapy using an EMEM5 & Coil Machine with good results but it takes a lot of time targeting each pathogen. Pretty much of a juggling act. With that being said, what herbs in your protocol would you recommend for me? Thanks so much in advance for your help. I truly appreciate it.

Stephen’s response:
I haven’t seen this to be true, however if you are treating bartonella you really should be using Sida acuta, red root, l-arginine, EGCG, and knotweed. For the lyme: knotweed, cat’s claw. For immune support: eleuthero (Herb Pharm brand), rhodiola, ashwagandha. Ailanthus tincture is specific for giardia, it is relatively easy to cure.
PLEASE NOTE: If you have active herpes, chicken pox, or shingles DO NOT USE L-arginine.
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posted on November 23, 2011 in Miscellaneous, other diagnoses

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