Can the heat from Bikram yoga kill lyme?

Dear Stephen,
First thank you so much for this book, I believe the key to dealing with the disease is educating yourself as much as possible and your book has enabled many to do this. My question is in regards to heat and lyme. I read somewhere that lyme cannot survive in heat but that it wasn’t possible to sustain the length and temperatures of heat needed to kill it. With that being said; how do you feel about hot yoga? I am a avid yoga enthusiast and am wondering how hot yoga would affect the bacteria. Bikram, (which is not something I do) heats the room to 104 degrees. Other hot yoga is about 85-95 degrees. I’m sure the sweating would help detox but other than that do you think there’s a potential to kill any of the bacteria? Thanks again.

Stephen’s response:
The lyme bacteria don’t die until the heat reaches 106 degrees Fahrenheat. They are extremely heat tolerant, this is due to the fact that they live in an ambient temp host (tick) and then adjust to a high heat host (humans) at will; they are very heat flexible. Some of the coinfections are more heat sensitive (bartonella) but you really can’t heat the human body high enough safely to kill the lyme bacteria. Nevertheless, hot yoga and yoga itself are very good for nearly everyone for many reasons.
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posted on November 17, 2011 in Miscellaneous, other protocols

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