Problems with Source Naturals brand

Dear Stephen,
Having read and used the herbs in your Healing Lyme book, I wanted to give some feedback since I have read online about many reactions to the resveratrol from Source Naturals.  I had tried that brand with a disastrous reaction, but luckily I went ahead and tried Paradise herbs. To my great relief, it made all the difference in the world. I have been on the Lyme-aid-Buhner forum and noticed that people were having a hard time with the Source Naturals brand. Even the reviews talk about this. Why not warn people in advance about Source Naturals, and why not let the Paradise Herbs be the preferred choice? Just a thought, since many people might give up on using it in general when starting with the Source Naturals brand. Thank you so much for your great book and contribution to the lyme epidemic.  I have referred your book many times.

Stephen’s response:
Thank you for your feedback. We have put a note in the herb source listing on this site, under the Source Naturals brand of Japanese knotweed.
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posted on September 19, 2011 in Herbs, japanese knotweed

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