Estrogenic effect of resveratrol good or bad for cancer?

Dear Stephen,
I had uterine cancer surgery and my LLMD put me on resveratrol. I am wondering since this has an estrogenic effect, is this setting me up for more cancer? I noticed it also is said to help prevent cancer so I am confused. Thank you.

Stephen’s response:
Resveratrol helps prevent cancer because of its effects on blood vessel formation. It is an angiogenesis modifier, that is, if blood vessels form that should not (cancer) it stops it, if blood vessels aren’t forming that should (burns) it initiates them. The estrogenic effects, from what I have seen, don’t seem to be very strong, but the data is incomplete and very hard to speculate about. I can understand your confusion. You might consider stephania instead.
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posted on January 10, 2012 in Herbs, japanese knotweed

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