Elevated liver enzymes with resveratrol

Dear Stephen,
I just wanted to let you know that I have tried your core protocol (HepC + interstitial cystitis + HeamoBartonella + Lyme) and after 2 weeks of fantastic improvement in all symptoms, my liver enzymes jumped very high (2.5 times). I have found 2 recent articles with clinical trials where it is shown that although resveratrol is generally very good for the liver, Hep C virus replicates much faster with it. This could be the reason for elevated enzymes. I have stopped resveratrol immediately and my liver calmed down quickly. You can find the articles here: Hepatoprotective effects of antioxydants in chronic Heptatic C and
An antioxidant resveratrol significantly enhanced replication of Hepatitis C virus. I thought that you should know about it.

Stephen’s response:
Thank you for sharing this.
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posted on September 6, 2011 in Co-Infections, elevated liver enzymes, Herb Reactions, Herbs, japanese knotweed, viral infections

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