Eleuthero for prevention

Dear Stephen,
Thank you for sharing your vast knowledge and passion in your book…it has been very helpful and eye-opening! If astragalus is contraindicated in chronic lyme (which I’m sure I have), what alternative(s) are there for prevention in a lyme-endemic area? Only “Astragalus herb, all year: 1,000 mg daily” (p.204) is indicated for prevention.

Stephen’s response:
Try the astragalus and see how you respond to it, if you do well, then take that. Otherwise, eleutherococcus tincture, a 1:5 formulation (NOT the herb pharm brand) full dropper 3x daily.
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posted on September 22, 2011 in astragalus, eleutherococcus, Herbs, prevention, Transmission

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