Babesia unconfirmed

Dear Stephen,
Due to the lack of definitive testing, many of us are unsure whether we have babesia in addition to lyme. We have symptoms of babesiosis, and we would like to do the babesia protocol, but we are concerned that if we stop the core protocol in order to treat the possible babesia, our lyme infection will be given an opportunity to worsen. In cases like this, where babesia is not confirmed and we may be dealing with lyme only, is there any risk to doing the babesia protocol and the core protocol at the same time? Would it be detrimental to stop the core protocol in order to treat the babesia if we have already started? Thanks.

Stephen’s response:
There is no reason to stop the core protocol if you have already started. It is fine to just begin the use of artemisinin or whole herb Artemisia annua if you prefer.

[Editor's note: Stephen now recommends cryptolepis for babesia treatment over artemisinin or Artemisia annua.]

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posted on October 26, 2006 in artemisinin, babesia, Co-Infections, cryptolepis, Herbs

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