Astragalus as preventative for kids

Dear Stephen,
I was diagnosed with lyme on May 5 and started doxycycline mid-June. I am trying to figure out what to do for my two children, age 4.5 years and age 1 year. Someone recommended I check with you, as you may have some insight. I know the controversy is treat or don’t treat, but I worry about waiting and them getting very sick very quickly. I’ve heard samento and cumanda may be options for them. Is this something I would need a doctor to prescribe or can it be obtained over the counter? Thank you in advance for your guidance. I am terrified for my kids and am unsure of what to do for them. I don’t want to make them sicker and I don’t want them to fight this disease all of their lives. Thank you!

Stephen’s response:
I would give them astragalus as a preventative. It is a very safe herb, used as a food (in making soups and rice) in China for thousands of years. You can just add 10 drops of the tincture to the diet of the one year old 3x daily. The other child can be given larger doses, say 1/8 tsp in food daily. If they do get sick the best thing to use is Japanese knotweed. Use the tincture, same doses.
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posted on November 15, 2011 in astragalus, children/teens, Herbs, japanese knotweed, Lyme, prevention, Transmission

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