At rope’s end: Severe neuro lyme or bart

Dear Stephen,
I have had lyme and bart and KPU for a long time. I have done 4+ yrs
of oral and IV antibiotics, colloidal silver, cryptolepis, carnivora, olive leaf extract, MMS, Rifing, Bio-Chlor-Dox, HBOT, Byron White Remedies, and dabbled in the Cowden protocol. My symptoms seem to have gotten worse with the antibiotics: they came out and stayed out. My symptoms are: SEVERE 24/7 depersonalization, anxiety, depression, headaches and jaw pain, hopelessness/crying, poor memory, insomnia, vascular issues, cognitive fog, all over twitching like a boiling pot, muscle pain in back, tingling in face and scalp, hands and feet. I don’t know what else to try. Things seem to work for awhile and then I backslide while still on the treatment. I think there are probably immune dysfunction issues for which I am am now receiving IVIG. I don’t seem to respond to ANYTHING. Can you recommend anything? I deeply identify with another posting similar to mine, but I have already done hardcore antibiotics. What do you think?

Stephen’s response:
Many of these symptoms are specific to bartonella. I would highly suggest Sida acuta (1 tsp 3x daily 2 weeks, then ½ tsp thereafter), red root (1/2 tsp 3x daily), l-arginine (5000mg daily in 3 divided doses), EGCG (800 mg dialy), milk thistle seed (standardized, 1200 mg dialy), ashwagandha ½ tsp tincture just before bed (melatonin liquid as well), hawthorn (3000 mg daily), knotweed, 3000 mg daily. I don’t think the rest of the things you are taking will be much use.
PLEASE NOTE: If you have active herpes, chicken pox, or shingles DO NOT USE L-arginine.
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posted on February 29, 2012 in bartonella, Co-Infections

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