How effective is your protocol?

Dear Stephen,
Your book is extremely informative but one piece of information I can’t find…is how effective it is. Have you done any studies or do you have any sort of statistics on how well your protocol works? It seems to be fairly new and untested as far as I can tell. Thanks.

Stephen’s response:
I would not consider the protocol untested. I have heard from between 200 and 300 people over the past year and from perhaps 20 practitioners who are treating about the same number of people total.

I have heard from one practitioner of two patients that responded only minimally. All my direct contacts have reported significant to complete relief from lyme symptoms on the protocol. It is exceptionally common for me to receive emails reporting such significant symptom relief that the person is able to maintain what they consider a normal life. All the practitioners report significant help for their patients as well.

I want to stress, as I continually try to do, that the protocol is most effective if it is slightly tweaked for the individual person and his or her symptom picture. However, few people do so. I do expect it to benefit from slight alterations as time goes on and more is learned about lyme and more herbs are directly tested for effectiveness against the organism.

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posted on October 6, 2006 in is protocol working?, Lyme, lyme recovery, The Basics

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