Kids’ dosages

Dear Stephen,
My daughter was recently diagnosed for lyme with the bartonella coinfection. I am researching as fast as I can so my apologies if these questions were answered somewhere else. We will be starting an antibiotic treatment but would like to start your herbal protocol as well. Two questions: 1) She is a small 12 year old at 74 pounds, are the dosages the same? She prefers pills. 2) Her CD57 was 40 and I believe she has had symptoms for 4 years. Is this considered chronic? So we should not use the astragalus? Thanks for your assistance.

Stephen’s response:
Dosages would be half the adult dose at her weight. I would try the astragalus and see if it helps. I generally feel children can tolerate it better than long term infected adults.
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posted on October 2, 2011 in children/teens, dosage info, Lyme, The Basics

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