Herb resistance common after two years?

Dear Stephen,
I just recently switched from antibiotics to your protocol. My lyme symptoms got better on antibiotics then severely worse after a year so I believed it was time for a change. I am still new to the protocol so I haven’t had enough time to make a great comparison, but I read that many people develop resistance to the herb combination after two years. What’s your take on this? Have you dealt with patients on the protocol for 2+ years? Also I would appreciate some tips for a healthy lyme oriented diet. Thank you!

Stephen’s response:
I have not heard that to that extent though I have heard of it a few times. In general, the herbal protocol needs to be altered for each individual based on symptoms. In general, if you are not well after a year on the protocol, then it needs to be altered based on the individual’s symptom picture. A few people do need to stay on a very reduced intake of cat’s claw and knotweed indefinitely but here we are only talking about one capsule 3x daily of each. A healthy lyme diet would be a healthy diet, essentially one that helps support healthy bones and joints (cartilage healthy diet). There are a lot of them on the Internet.
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posted on November 24, 2011 in is protocol working?, The Basics

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