Decoctions vs. capsules

Does it matter whether we take Japanese knotweed (resveratrol) as the whole herb in capsule form or as a decoction? You recommend the standardized Source Naturals resveratrol but I am confused as to which is the preferred form. Most Chinese herbs are used as decoctions.
I prefer the whole wildcrafted herb in capsule form but as that is not available on the market my second choice is the Source Naturals capsules. My real preference would be that people with lyme wildcraft their own, but this is more than most people can take on. As time goes on I feel more and more strongly that this is the main herb for Lyme and that it is best in whole form, not a decoction.
Yes, many Chinese herbs are indeed used as decoctions. However, I really do feel that the whole herbs are best. Our bodies can then take from them what they need and I like giving them that choice. They have a great intelligence that I have learned to trust over a long time.
posted on October 14, 2006 in Herbs, japanese knotweed, The Basics, tinctures/decoctions
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