Children’s doses for liquid astragalus and eleuthero

Dear Stephen,
To prevent lyme for my 3, 6, and 9 yr olds, I have the Herb Pharm liquid astragalus and eleutherococcus. How many drops for each kid and how many per day? My husband has lyme – the kids are not yet tested – and my test results are not back yet. My husband is the only one with true symptoms right now. Thank you.

Stephen’s response:
Astragalus - 1/4 tsp 3x day for the young one, 1/3 tsp for the other two 3x day, just before school, at lunch, and at dinner or just after school, just before bed.

Eleuthero - 1/8 tsp young one, ¼ tsp other two, 2x day, am and lunch time- or just after school.

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posted on October 28, 2011 in children/teens, dosage info, Lyme, The Basics

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