Confused by prior post on pregnancy and herbs
I am being treated for late-stage lyme. I am considering trying to conceive after what will (eventually) be several years of your core lyme protocol combined with multidisciplinary treatment for immune dysfunction (allergy desensitization, chelation therapy, nutritional therapy, acupuncture).
In looking back over the course of this forum, I see that you advised the following regarding herbs and pregnancy:
“…cat’s claw, astragalus, eleutherococcus, and stephania show no contraindications for pregnancy or conception and they should be safe for use.” (June 2007)
However, when I review Healing Lyme, I find that cat’s claw is contraindicated when trying to become pregnant (page 103). Help? I’m confused! Also, should the recommended “pregnancy herbs” be taken at the “normal” range of doses? Should the doses vary per trimester? A million thanks for all you do!
I understand the confusion, the only thought I have on the cat’s claw is that it can interfere with becoming pregnant but is not dangerous when you are pregnant. The contraindications in the book are from the published literature, which is sometimes extensive and not always clear on rationale for things.
posted on December 29, 2008 in pregnancy, Transmission
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