Breastfeeding and treating lyme
I am a 46 yr old Mom to 3 kids (all with lyme, one with autism). I am still nursing my 2 year old and am wondering if there is anything I should NOT take to treat myself. I am gearing up for the Buhner protocol (have the book) and also have a few things from Nutramedix (HH & Burbur). I also have a high ANA and am taking high dose serrapeptase and maintaining a very restricted diet to control symptoms as much as possible to avoid medication. I seem to have RA by my symptoms. I am also positive for babesia and bartonella. Also on the laundry list are severe adrenal fatigue, high viral titers, candida and circulatory problems. I am thinking that by treating myself, I will also treat my youngest through the breastmilk somewhat. Is my thinking off? Thanks for the help and the great book!!
Yes, herbs do go through breast milk. The doses should be low enough to be fine, especially since the youngest has lyme as well. It will be a good way to treat them actually.
posted on February 9, 2010 in breastfeeding, Transmission
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