Sinusitis – lyme related?

Dear Stephen,
I was diagnosed with lyme disease about ten years ago, and was on your herbal protocol for about eight months. My energy and cognitive ability have improved, but I have a constant sinus issue, and am always congested in my nose and throat. The mucus production is so miserable and I have developed acute respiratory symptoms and allergies. I am wondering if this is candida, or some type of fungus infection. Do you have any suggestions for treating this, and is it a common symptom of lyme when one develops reactions to so many things?

Stephen’s response:
I have only heard of this once before so am not sure if it is lyme related or not. You might try the following:
Lomatium dissectum, ½ dropper in liquid (taste is intense) 3x daily
Coleus, standardized extract, 50 mg 2-3x daily
Tylospora, 200 mg daily
Desmodium abscendens tea daily, a couple of times
Ginger juice tea 2-3x daily (fresh ginger juice from piece the size of your thumb, 1/8 tsp cayenne, lime section, squeezed and dropped in, 1 tbl honey)
This should help.
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posted on February 13, 2011 in Co-Infections, eyes/ears/nose/mouth, fungal infections, Symptoms

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