Petechiae and lipomas

Dear Stephen,
I have a lot of petechiae (red spots under the skin). They are really small but I have couple of bigger ones, too. I have tons of them! Does lyme cause them, or is it a co-infection? What can I do to eliminate them from my skin? Also have about 20 lipomas (benign tumors composed of fatty tissue)…Thank you.

Stephen’s response:
I would suggest that you do a Google search for petechiae, has a lot on them; they can be caused by a lot of things. The closest to lyme is Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever; petechiae are a primary symptom of RMSF. As so many things can cause petechiae it would be impossible for me to say with any clarity via email what could be the problem. Fasting can often help lipomas. See my book The Fasting Path (see book link below) on the dynamics of that.
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posted on July 15, 2007 in bacterial infections, Co-Infections, fasting, Miscellaneous, skin/tissues/veins, Symptoms

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