Lyme arthritis

Dear Stephen,
I just read your book Healing Lyme. My symptom is arthritis. I tested positive for lyme but my doctor still says my knee arthritis/cartilage deterioration is due to activity (sports/wear and tear…I’m 43) not lyme. I don’t believe him. I took oral antibiotics for two months and intravenously for one month. After 2 months off antibiotics my knees have started to hurt again. So should I take every herb listed on the core protocol, plus the arthritis protocol?

Stephen’s response:
Here is what I would do to begin with:
Cat‘s claw
Teasel root tincture
Glucosamine sulfate 4,000 mg daily (2,000 am and pm)
If that doesn’t take care of it within two-three months, add:
Cal/mag effervescent powder from Thorne Research
Vitamin D3, 20,000 IU daily
And possibly:
Selenium 200 mcg daily
Zinc picolinate 50 mg daily until symptoms resolve
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posted on May 17, 2010 in muscle/skeletal/joint, Symptoms

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