Intractable neck discomfort / choking symptoms

Dear Stephen,
I am using the Cowden Protocol for over 2 months along with using the Doug Coil Machine (now up to 3 minutes) for symptoms of lyme, babesia, and bartonella. I have had over the past 16 yrs: antibiotics for approximately 7-8 yrs, along with various lyme protocols ranging from using Dr. Zhang’s herbs to using EMEM5A Dan Tracey Rife machine to present protocol mentioned above. My symptoms have been intolerable to say the least and I’m not sure how to proceed. I feel like I am being choked and when I move my neck from side to side my sternocloidomastoid muscles feel like they are so tight and ache so much. I have used countless remedies to decrease herxing (burbur/parsley/Vit C) These symptoms are like a nightmare—the only relief is when I sleep. I also feel very bloaty and gassy. PLEASE HELP ME. Thanks for your kind assistance in these matters.

Stephen’s response:
I would highly suggest the use of knotweed (resveratrol) as it is specific for this kind of neck problem. Stephania tincture will also be good for this. This is where I would start.
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posted on May 30, 2008 in muscle/skeletal/joint, Symptoms

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