
Dear Stephen,
I have really bad hemorrhoids, I think it is aggravated by the lyme, bartonella, and babesia that I have. I just have them all the time. It narrows my choice of foods, keeps me from exercising all the time, and contributes to a feeling of unwellness. I don’t see anyone ever talking about this, I think they must be embarrassed. Is there anything you could recommend to help?

Stephen’s response:
Hemorrhoids are a pain in the ass in every way possible and they are difficult to treat for many reasons. They do tend to go away on their own but some people seem highly prone to them and get them over and over again and yes, like other bodily functions they are embarrassing to talk about for most people.
I am not sure if they are exacerbated by infection, I haven’t seen anything on that. However, here are some of the best things to do for them, and it does go along with lyme treatment quite well. I would suggest the following as regular supplements: bromelain, horse chestnut, gotu kola, gingko (and cayenne and ginger if you wish it). Bromelain will help stop fibrin clotting, which causes it in part, the others stimulate circulation in the extremities.
If you do nothing else you should do the bromelain and horse chestnut. Bromelain (500 mg 3x daily) and 600 mg daily of a standardized horse chestnut, gotu kola standardized to provide 30-60 mg of triterpenic acids daily, gingko as per the Healing Lyme book.
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posted on April 20, 2009 in skin/tissues/veins, Symptoms

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