Chronic muscle pain and spasm

Dear Stephen,
What do you think about urine therapy in regard to helping with lyme disease? What about hydrogen peroxide? Can either of these simple inexpensive therapies help? Also what can be done to help with the chronic unrelenting migrating pain and spasms?

Stephen’s response:
People have reported success from these therapies for many things but they are outside my area of expertise so I can’t really comment on them effectively.
Here is what I would suggest for the chronic pain; I have had some of these symptoms myself and I have found these helpful for myself and others with similar conditions.
1. Glucosamine sulfate 500 mg 3x daily.
2. Biosil (stabilized orthosilicic acid) 6-20 drops daily in 1/4 water.
3. Cal mag supplement with 500 mg calcium, 500 mg magnesium (Country Life brand is good, also contains 250 mg phosphorus and 99 mg potassium), would suggest 3 caplets per day
4. A tincture combination of motherwort and american wood betony (equal parts of the tincture combined together). Begin with 1 dropperful (or 1/8 tsp) 3x daily in water and work up to whatever dose begins to relax musculature – to 1/2 ounce daily. carries the fresh tinctures. I would suggest buying 4 ounces each of the herbs and mixing them together in a measuring cup and then pouring the combined mix back into the bottles for use. Motherwort is a relaxant and American wood betony (pedicularis species) is a muscle relaxant.
5. Pasque flower tincture. 2-10 drops (about 1/3 dropperful max, which is 10 drops) no more than once per hour. It can cause nausea if taken in too large a dose or too often. Begin with about 1/3 dropperful 3x daily and see how that works for you. It is a relaxant nervine, so see how you respond before driving, etc. Available from Living Earth Herbs.
6. Vitamin B-12, (as B-12 microdots, Twinlabs is the brand I like) 1000mcg daily, dissolved on the tongue. Reduce to 500mcg daily after 60 days.
Try these for a couple of months and see how things go. You should notice considerable relief.
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posted on August 16, 2008 in Miscellaneous, muscle/skeletal/joint, other protocols, Symptoms

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