Severe diarrhea

Dear Stephen,
My wife is a long term (20 yrs) lyme sufferer who has recently started your core protocol (several months). Her initial reaction was dramatic, and she had to cut back to the minimum doses. She has recently (a few weeks) encountered severe diarrhea, and would like your advice on how to stop it. Thanks in advance for your help.

Stephen’s response:
I would highly recommend the use of a blackberry root tea, very strong, and drink as many cups a day as necessary to stop the diarrhea. You can find sources through Google. Be aware though that many bag teas that are called blackberry are not in fact blackberry. I highly recommend the purchase of the herb (i.e. the root) itself and not a prepared tea in a bag. Then use a tea strainer to make it. You can even put an ounce in a quart of hot water, cover, and steep overnight, then drink throughout the next day.
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posted on May 2, 2010 in digestive upset, Herb Reactions

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