Vitamin B feeding lyme?

Dear Stephen,
I have had lyme for ten years, and started serious treatment 2 years ago. I just started your basic protocol 2 months ago. I am taking the 4 basic herbs you recommend, plus probiotics. I am also taking IV Rocephin, Biaxin and Plaquenil. My question is regarding vitamin B. My doctor says it’s the only thing I can’t take because the bug feeds off of B vitamins. In your book you recommend taking it though, because generally people with lyme are B vitamin deficient. Which is the case? Is there any new research about this? The past week I have been experiencing severe dizziness, and stomach pain. I don’t know if this is the herbs or the lyme or the antibiotics. Just want to say also, thank you so much for your book, and for caring about all of us! May God bless you!

Stephen’s response:
Well, this issue has arisen before, as has some controversy with vitamin D, and I just don’t agree with it, but that is pretty much how lyme is, a lot of disagreements. I highly recommend B-12. If you are dizzy, knotweed sometimes causes that, you might try stopping it and if it is the culprit, then switch to stephania.
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posted on June 22, 2009 in Miscellaneous, vitamin b

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