Klinghardt protocol for lyme

Are you familiar with Dr Klinghardt’s protocol for lyme disease, and if so, what do you think of it? A brief summary of his approach, taken from an article titled Lyme Disease: A Look Beyond Antibiotics on his website www.neuraltherapy.com:
1. To treat spirochete infection and co-infection: pulsed electromagnetic fields (using KMT technology), niacin in high doses, herbs, minerals, bee venom, and sometimes anti-parasitic medication and antibiotics.
2. To manage die-off symptoms: fiber-rich ground up raw vegetables, CGF-chlorella, cholestyramine, beta-Sitosterol, propolis powder, apple pectin, Mucuna bean powder, and a solid heavy metal detox program (which he details on his site).
3. To treat immune reactions provoked by the presence of both toxins and microbes:
• Anergy: KMT, homeopathics, Rechtsregulat, Enderlein remedies
• Allergy: APN-desensitization, auto-urine therapy
• Autoimmunity: KMT
In addition, focus is placed on filling up the body’s mineral reserves with herbs and other supplements. Much thanks.
Dr. Klinghardt has done a lot of good work in this area, however a lot of his approaches are out of my areas of expertise.
You can probably see from my book that we are in a great deal of agreement overall. In my approach I tried to develop a clear overview of how the organism works and how it affects the body and they to come up with a protocol that would address these underlying dynamics that would also be easy to take and that also had some body of scientific literature behind it that could justify the protocol.
This was necessitated, in my mind, by the audiences the book was intended to reach. There are a great many other things I could have included. Diet, fasting, and a number of other supplements being some of them.
I think much of Dr. Klinghardt’s protocol is well thought out and he does have significant practice experience behind it.
posted on April 29, 2007 in Miscellaneous, other protocols
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