Fasting for lyme

Dear Stephen,
I read that you have some ideas about fasting as a lyme treatment. Could you please expound? I used to love fasting, made me feel wonderful, but how can I fast now when I have osteoporosis and have to eat 4 meals a day, since I heard that calcium pills on an empty stomach might cause kidney stones? (One of the meals is a calcium-free meal for Vit K2 menaquinone-4 (=Menatetranone) and Vit D.) As for lyme, after a few hours without food, I start feeling worse, relieved by food, calcium pills, magnesium pills, and anti-lyme pills.

Stephen’s response:
I would not suggest water fasting for lyme except under unusual conditions. I would suggest using the master cleanser diet which should counteract all the symptoms you mention. You can consume as much of it as you wish. I have used that fast and find it a good one with few side effects.
In general I think fasting will help the body clear out and function better; there is some good evidence that during fasting the body tends to consume internal bacteria, viruses, and so on as food scavenging and as part of the cleansing process. Many people with lyme have exprienced long term poor diet with subsequent lower immune function. In some instances a cleansing diet (described in many of my books) followed by a cleansing fast such as the master cleanser, can help clear up a lot of problems and get the immune system back on track.
It is not for everyone however and I am cautious in using them with severely weakened people.
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posted on October 12, 2007 in fasting, Miscellaneous

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