Antibiotics use and hospitals

Dear Stephen,
Given that many people with lyme take ever-increasing, stronger doses of antibiotics for years, sometimes decades, and given that we now have hospital-acquired infections which are resistant to *all* antibiotics, would you comment on the increased health risks posed, if any, to someone who enters a hospital after years of antibiotic treatment. I am particularly interested to know if there is cross-over resistance, ie. someone who is taking Flagyl, does this affect their resistance to a different antibiotic?

Stephen’s response:
There is significant health risk from long term antibiotic use if you then go into a hospital. I deal with this issue in some detail in my book Herbal Antibiotics and even more so in The Lost Language of Plants (see bookstore). There is indeed crossover resistance.
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posted on February 8, 2007 in antibiotics, Miscellaneous

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