Undilating pupil – symptom of neuro lyme?

About two weeks ago my five year old daughter presented with blistery patches on her upper left chest, back left shoulder, and down her left arm, which have ran their course since, drying to scabs. During this time she had a fever which subsided, vomited twice, and had a slight drooping of the left eyelid throughout. Then for the last couple of days the pupil of her left eye has not been dilating, and dimming ambient light does not make it move. Have you seen this in your travels as a presentation of neuro-lyme? My neuro lyme began with left eye inflammation, and Bell’s Palsy four years ago, in some ways so similar. Thank you so much!
I haven’t seen this but I would definitely start her on stephania and astragalus. Dosage of astragalus: ¼ tsp 3x daily, same for stephania. I would highly consider using homeopathic apis as well.
posted on November 29, 2010 in astragalus, children/teens, eyes/ears/nose/mouth, Herbs, Lyme, neuro/brain fog, stephania root, Symptoms
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