Treating co-infections first

I was recently put on your core protocol (knotweed, cat’s claw, andrographis, eleuthro) for lyme disease by my acupuncturist. I added
teasel root my second week. I am into my fifth week of this protocol. However, I also have a bloodwork diagnosis of Babesia duncani and a clinical diagnosis of bartonella from a lyme specialist. I just read in your book that you suggest treating babesia first for a better outcome of lyme treatment. My questions with this are: Do you suggest also treating bartonella before lyme? Should I stop the core protocol and treat the co-infections first or add herbs for treating the bartonella and babesia to the core protocol? Which co-infection do you usually treat first? Also, I think I am herxing like crazy this week (fatigue, brain fog, slightly imbalanced feeling) and having GI complaints of frequent urination, loose stool, yet also constipated (not a lot passing). I am also taking a lyme homeopathic nosode this week- perhaps this is overkill. Do you think I should reduce some of the herbs and which ones? What do you suggest for detoxing? I am taking 3 dropperfulls of sarsaparilla daily, drinking lemon water in the morning. Thinking of doing epsom baths again, too. Thank you.
Keep on the prototol and simply add cryptolepis for the babesia. For the bartonella add red root tincture and boneset tea if you wish. I would treat all of the infections simultaneously. Herxing can be a problem and over time I have not seen a lot of good help from the sarsaparilla, it seems more hit or miss. Chlorella and spirulina do help herx reactions.
posted on October 21, 2010 in babesia, bartonella, boneset, Co-Infections, cryptolepis, Herbs, red root
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