Antibiotics / TOA free cat’s claw

Dear Stephen,
I have a question about the duration one should be taking antibiotics. I noticed on another post you responded to that you said to try a 30 day course to see if it helps. What is your opinion on this duration? I’ve been taking antibiotics for two months and don’t really see much improvement. I just ordered your core protocol and will begin it as soon as they arrive. I have been taking TOA-free Cat’s Claw for the last two weeks along with the antibiotics. I understand you recommend the whole herb. My LLMD recommends the TOA-free so I’m confused on what to take. Any advice?

Stephen’s response:
I go into the TOA-free controversy in some detail in my book Healing Lyme, so please look there for my response to that. As to antibiotics, there is a lot of controversy there. Some people report being helped with years of antibiotics, some do not. It seems that the majority of people who are going to be helped by antibiotics are within 30 days.
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posted on April 22, 2007 in antibiotics, cat's claw, Herbs, Miscellaneous

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