
I wanted to know what I can do about my testosterone level..it is 225 and low. It is because of lyme disease—what can I do to reverse this in a plant way? How can I make it higher? Also, I have a raging infection with bartonella and babesia, shown by blood smear and staining. It showed many babs and bart germs within my cells. Why is my immune system not killing it? It is there but my immune system does not see it. How does that correlate to working with the herbs to rid the body of babs and bart?
Please see my book The Natural Testosterone Plan (see bookstore) for raising testosterone levels with plants (the primary plant that will do so is Pine pollen in tincture form).
Lyme co-infections are difficult to treat, in my opinion primarily because they are so new and the past experience in treatment is so thin. Many of these organisms possess specific mechanisms to reduce immune function so that they are able to infect a host. The use of immune stimulating herbs or immune tonics can often help as can the use of the herbs I described in the book for those specific conditions.
posted on April 24, 2007 in autoimmune/immune, babesia, bartonella, Co-Infections, Herbs, miscellaneous
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