Stephania causing constipation

Dear Stephen,
Thank you for your great book, which has clearly helped me to recover from the effects of late stage lyme disease. I have one problem with using stephania root tincture that I hope you might have a suggestion for. Even a small dose of stephania causes constipation. I have a good diet and have tried triphala without much effect. I am also using resveratrol and andrographis, but it is definitely the stephania root having this effect. Thank you for any ideas and best wishes for your work.

Stephen’s response:
Use a powdered effervescent vitamin C daily. Take 1 tbl in water, wait 4 hours, if the constipation has not cleared, take another tbl, and so on until it clears. Continue taking vitamin C daily to balance out the problem. It is good for lyme in any event as it helps collagen formation.
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posted on August 22, 2010 in digestive upset, Herb Reactions, Herbs, Lyme, lyme recovery, stephania root

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