Source Naturals’ resveratrol formula changed

I got my first round of herbs for lyme with the company suggested in your lyme book and I got just what I needed. Now they tell me Source Naturals does not make the Japanese knotweed anymore. Instead, they sent me the blend with red wine extract, 8% total resveratrols, yielding total 80mg resveratrol and 20mg red wine. What should I do – can I get it elsewhere? Or can I still use what they sent me, and if so, how much should I take? Thank you so much.
Source Naturals does still make resveratrol from Japanese knotweed, they have just added some red wine extract to it. The amount of knotweed in the mix is the same. The label should indicate as much. You can get knotweed tincture from
posted on November 10, 2010 in Herbs, japanese knotweed
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