Sarsaparilla and blood sugar

Dear Stephen,
I started taking the basic protocol herbs last week but soon developed bad hypoglycemic symptoms every morning on waking and throughout the day. The worst one was that I kept getting migraines that I couldn’t get rid of. I know I have very weak adrenals and a possible HPA axis problem and have to take a low dose steroid to make up for the cortisol I don’t make. I read in your book that sarsaparilla can lower blood sugar and I was taking 3 daily. I think this might have been causing the problem. Is it ok to do the protocol without this herb? Thanks for the help.

Stephen’s response:
It is fine to do the protocol without the sarsaparilla.
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posted on September 15, 2007 in Herb Reactions, Herbs, other, sarsaparilla

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