Rhodiola for lyme?

What’s your opinion on the herb rhodiola (goldenroot/rose root)? It’s gotten a little bit of press lately and apparently it helps with depression, fatigue, headaches, and insomnia, and is cardioprotective, anti-cancer, boosts libido, and is anti-oxidant. An article mentioned it’s like eleuthero but apparently more effective in some respects. Would this be contraindicated on the protocol? Thanks.
It would not be contraindicated but I know little about it. I have read up on it and have not been able to find material that I feel is credible. Most of the material is somewhat hyped. This is in distinction to eleuthero which has years of use and study behind it. I actually haven’t heard much from the many herbalists I know about their using rhodiola, so no word of mouth to depend on either. It may be a good herb but I just can’t seem to find much about it that I experience as credible.
posted on March 21, 2007 in eleutherococcus, Herbs, miscellaneous
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